Now, speaking about motivation, what motivates me is beauty of all sorts, especially female beauty, so along with my posts I will I include a picture of a woman I find attractive (nothing raunchy mind you, I'd like to keep this sucker safe for work.) My idea for how this plan works looks like this "Ambro likes pretty women; Ambro must post fairly regularly to avoid being bitched at by a certain party which must, out of fear of horrible nail and tooth gnashing, go unamed; Ambro would need to find shiny, new, pretty women to add to his posts." Sounds great to me, I avoid being attacked, and am forced to find pics of cutie pies, lovies and ladies. Yay!

This is the part where I will say something clever or witty, probable something about "shagging" but as this is Zooey Deschenal and if my fantasies are correct, I meet her two years from now in my thrilling efforts to stop the Vatican from dredging up the horror that is Cthulhu using martian technology gifted to me from my little green friend, Pancho, the pancho wearing alien. Then she is a pretty classy and talented lady, so I'll behave.

*Pictured* Pants-Shitting terror that I will stop
Also, I think these are his spawn.
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