Eating leftovers is for some a tiresome and iritating experience, a reminder of culinary failure from the (hopefully) recent past. That is not the case for me. I'm currently (as the astute viewer would notice from the title) munching on some
orgasmic day old Penne Alla Vodka, reliving a wonderful night spent with laughter and old stories as well as some playful teasing with my family. The power of food is amazing, the bond shared between people eating the meal, the link to the originators of the recipe, the unseen end result of the people who made or grew the ingredients. All these feelings and thoughts are new to me, although I have always loved food, I think my relationship with it is growing as I endeavour learning how cook. I have yet to create anything notworthy, or fancy (but I'm told my grilled cheese sandwiches are wonderful) I've cooked mostly egg dishes accompanied by simple grilled meats, like bacon or ham and I like it so far. It feels like I am entering into a fine tradition of skilled cooks, like my granparents, mother, brother, and sister (who makes the best cheesecake I have ever eaten.) I am becoming perfect and complete! Ahem, moral of the story? Get off your ass and make something, share it with a loved one, hell, drizzle it on a loved one (preferably a romatic interest) and have fun licking/gobbling/sucking it off. Just stop overpaying for Mcfood that will, in all likelyhood, kill you while you're young or worse, when the inevitable zombie apocalypse breaks out, turn you into this guy.

Yeah, that's not pretty but that's what will happen. Mark my words fattie.
Another thing, although I feel a bit preachy for saying, is go out, eat some sunlight, walk in the park, declare a Thunder Dome on some really buff looking dude, anything that will get you sweating, your heart pumping, or your teeth falling are all good choices. Exercise is something I've also started recently and I must say it feels good, although right now it is nothing more than a brisk stroll through the park at Grandma Pace (I'm not kidding, I walk with my sis, and grandma) and than some laps up and down a hill. I can't wait till it heats up some more, then it's time to crack out the trunks and go swimming!
Moving on to better looking images, we have Olivia Thirlby.

She's a libra (best fuckin' sign,) owns a pretty mouth (
Deliverance voice not intended,) and has a generally unique look to her, all big plusses in my book. She is probably best known for her role as Juno's friend in
Juno, my favorite role of her's is in
New York, I love You. I must admit I wouldn't mind being Anton Yelchin in that short, not one bit. It seems that she has a leading role in the up coming
The No Game, I'm not sure but that would seem to be her first lead role. So let's hope she continues to do well, because the better she does, the more roles she'll get and the more roles she gets the more I see her. It's a perfect system and everyone is happy for it.
The interesting link I have here is once again provided by the fine gentemen over at Is it me? Or does Taman Shud sound like the name of an Elder God? Uh Oh, maybe I'll be meeting Zooey Deschanel sooner than I thought!
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