*Pictured: a total pussy. . . maybe not, I'm sorry Lord Vader, please don't - ach! ACH! ARGHHH. . . *gurgle*
I came across an old acquaintance at Wal-Mart with whom I used to work with. She asked me if I was still taking photographs (I was quite the shutterbug when she knew me) and I made the lame excuse of not having much access to the camera I used (which I don't) but I don't think that's quite it, upon reflection, I think I just lost interest in it. . . but now I'm getting that old feeling again. . . it's like this itch to see and record, to know and to tell. The same artistic urge that causes me to keep writing this thing even though I know I only have an audience of what? Two people? The point of what I'm saying? Don't be surprised if you begin to see things of beauty (other than the ladies) otherwise known as my photography. See? Their is more to me than masturbation jokes, lust after women I'll never even meet and acid (so I'm told.)
Speaking of masturbation jokes, I burned my right hand (I'm a righty, like most people,) while cooking some bread. This is actually the first burn I've had like this, so this whole burn experience for me is really new. I keep touching it, rubbing it and blowing on it (am I talking about that thing I mentioned earlier? hehe), I'm pretty sure this is useless, yet I keep doing it.
There isn't going to be any ladies today, but there will be later. Brainwaves are down!
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