I finally saw Zombieland yesterday, it was definitely worth the wait! I am a big fan of zombie movies, comics, and well, anything where the dead get up and shamble/run after people for lunch. I really loved Shaun of The Dead, which up untill yesterday I considered the funniest zombie/comedy (I admit, that is a really narrow genre,) now it's been replaced by this film, which is excellent, if you haven't seen it, go watch it now! Wait, read the rest of this post first, then go watch it!
An interesting thing happened while watching the movie yesterday, my mom commented on how Abigail Breslin is going to be a "looker" when she gets older. While I agree with her, it made me think about how it's strange for guys to say that about a kid. Maybe it's just my Californian heritage (which I've heard has a huge jailbait fear, which is a legitimate fear because of the whole fifteen'll get you twenty thing) or maybe it's because males are more socially restrained in America (try saying another guy is good looking and you will instantly see an eyebrow raise.) I wonder: why is it "wrong" to admit certain kinds of beauty? I also find it funny that the inverse is not true, like how many times do you see any ugly kid, it could be someone at the store, or something, but you know that kid will grow up fuck-ugly and you can say it, sure most people will look at you like you're a huge prick (which you may be) but they won't raise the "this guy is a weirdo" eyebrow.
Moving onto the reinauguration of the "lady of the post" we have Stephanie Meyer!

Who you should know (provided you don't live under a large rock, or in a cave, or Kentucky) is the author of Twilight. It's strange to find an author that's pretty, I guess because whenever I think of authors I see a white haired old dude wearing a white sweater while standing in the doorway of hs country cabin holding a mug of delicious herbal tea (which by the way will be my picture when I move off the internet and become a serious writer.) She looks like a hot dwarf: (of the fantasy variety) thick and nice. Appearently she's working on a book that follows a minor chacter in one of the Twilight books I haven't read, and her series is the fifth most challanged books series in America. . . although maybe we should pronounce it "Amurka" when you imagine the kind of people who would object to her work.
That's it for today kiddos, go read a book, try to catch butterflys in your backyard, just remember rule 32# "Enjoy the little things".
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